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increasing returns to scale中文是什么意思

用"increasing returns to scale"造句"increasing returns to scale"怎么读"increasing returns to scale" in a sentence


  • 递增的规模报酬
  • 递增规模报酬
  • 规模报酬递增


  • Increasing returns to scale
  • It is introduced in the eighties powder to in the homeland , that theory is built above the basis competing no completely , increasing return to scale , is approached more compared with the tradition trade theory reality
  • The thesis explains beyond marshallian factors that the division of regions , which derives from endogenous comparative advantages with increasing returns to scale , and institutional transformation are real inherent causes of industrial agglomeration
  • A important conclusion of my model is that agglomeration economies emerge if the technology of search exhibits increasing returns to scale , and that the expand of city increases the labors " income , enhance the factories " expect output and decrease rural labors
  • With the rising of new trade theory , strategic trade policy was put forward as the extension of the theory applied in the area of trade policy . because it is based on the more real practice of imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale , strategic trade policy seems more convincing in directing chinese constitution of trade policy than traditional trade theory does
  • In the former a constant return to scale technology with labor as the sole input is used ; in the later an increasing return to scale technology based on the division of labor that needs both labor and capital as input is used . we can show that in a closed economy or in the situation of complete international specialization the increase of productivity in traditional sector leads to the expansion of modern sector
  • Those firms accumulated knowledge capital in the special way as they usually do can get increasing returns to scale , and each knowledge capital ' s contribution to the firm ' s profit is non - linear . thus , firms can improve profits by changing capital combination . how to change the combination , especial by strategic alliance is also addressed
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